Family history videos, biography videos, or even autobiography videos do not have to be complicated to make or record.


Interviews with mom and dad or interviews with your grandparents make wonderful videos for sharing with family. They are especially meaningful for preserving family history and sharing with generations to come. Family history videos, biography videos, or even autobiography videos do not have to be complicated to make or record. You can simply set up a smart phone on a tripod, have a list of prepared questions to ask, make sure your family member is comfortably seated within the frame of your camera, and hit record.

The best advice we can offer for a professional looking product is:

1) make sure there is good lighting,

2) your subject is close enough to the microphone to be heard clearly(do a quick test by recording a snippet and play it back to check sound quality), and

3) be mindful of the background image and noises (place something meaningful within the video frame-family photos on the wall, grandma’s piano, mom’s garden, etc. and make sure you are filming in an area that is quiet and free from distractions).

If all the filming and recording is not something you want to attempt yourself, we can record your loved one with our professional cameras, lighting, and audio equipment. We can also edit your recorded material, whether you decide to film it yourself or if you hire us to film and edit the project. We are happy to help you realize your vision for your family history video project.


Interviews with mom and dad or interviews with your grandparents make wonderful videos for sharing with family. They are especially meaningful for preserving family history and sharing with generations to come. Family history videos, biography videos, or even autobiography videos do not have to be complicated to make or record. You can simply set up a smart phone on a tripod, have a list of prepared questions to ask, make sure your family member is comfortably seated within the frame of your camera, and hit record.


Some extras you might want to consider adding to your video are:

        • family photos to illustrate the people and places your loved one is speaking about
        • titles, a dedication screen, or illustrations of family trees
        • include mementos, special objects, or heirlooms for your family member to speak about
        • include a reflection section for your loved one to share about life lessons they want to pass on, messages they want to share with future family members, and what they hope others will remember about them
        • include a section about the culture and history of their lifetime (for example: notable inventions, historical events that may have affected their life, pop culture including entertainment, radio/television programs, music, price of common items, etc)

For more information please visit our “Family History Video” page. You can watch a video of a sample autobiography video shoot by visiting this link:


We have included videos below of a community seminar where we had guest speakers from share about home video preservation and family history video creation tips. Enjoy and let us know what you think!






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